Dark Patterns: esempi, guida e check-up secondo le linee guida EDPB

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I Dark Patterns invalidano le informative legali

Installare un template, utilizzare un framework css: cosa c'è di piu' semplice ? Tuttaiva il DSA, digital service act, espressamente vieta l'uso dei dark patterns.

I dark patterns producono l'effetto di confondere i visitatori:
  • contenuti
  • interfacce
Non sono validi i consensi raccolti in contesti che usano dark patterns, cosi' come perdono valore le consulenze legali per generare informative complete.

Left in the Dark - Conflicting Information (Annex checklist 4.6.2)
Example 12: In this example, the information related to data sharing gives a highly positive outlook of the processing by highlighting the benefits of sharing as many data as possible. Coupled to the illustration representing the photograph of a cute animal playing with a ball, this Emotional Steering can give users the illusion of safety and comfort with regard to the potential risks of sharing some kind of information on the platform. On the other hand, information given on how to control the publicity of one’s data is not clear. First it is said that users can set their sharing preference any time they want. Then, however, the last sentence indicates that this is not possible once something has already been posted on the platform. Those pieces of Conflicting Information leave users unsure of how to control the publicity of their data.

Left in the Dark - Conflicting Information (Annex checklist 4.6.2)
Example 20: • The controller only refers to actions of a third party, that the data breach was originated by a third party (e.g. a processor) and that therefore no security breach occurred. The controller also highlights some good practices that have nothing to do with the actual breach. • The controller declares the severity of the data breach in relation to itself or to a processor, rather than in relation to the data subject.

Conflicting Information - Left in the Dark (Annex 4.6.2)
Example 26: The interface uses a toggle switch to allow users to give or withdraw consent. However, the way the toggle is designed does not make it clear in which position it is and if users have given consent or not. Indeed, the position of the toggle does not match the colour. If the toggle is on the right side, which is usually associated with the activation of the feature (“switch on”), the colour of the switch is red, which usually signifies that a feature is turned off. Conversely, when the switch is on the left side, usually meaning the feature is turned off, the toggle background colour is green, which is normally associated with an active option.

Conflicting Information - Left in the Dark (Annex 4.6.2)
Example 27: The social media provider gives contradictory information to users: Although the information first asserts that contacts are not imported without consent, a pop-up information window simultaneously explains how contacts will be imported anyway.

Left in the dark - Conflicting information (Annex checklist 4.6.2)
Example 36: User X switches off the use of their geolocation for advertisement purpose. After clicking on the toggle allowing to do so, a message appears saying “We've turned off your geolocation, but your location will still be used.”

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